"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see"
Edgar degas, 1834 - 1917, french painter & sculptor
Andreas Kamoutsis was born and raised in Athens, Greece, in 1979. He studied computer science and worked in this field until 2013. Since then he was won over by the Art of Photography which he is still practicing professionally by giving street photography workshops in Greece & abroad. He is the founder of the photography team Spontaneous Shooters. He has been an official photographer of Fujifilm “X-photographer” since 2016. Many of his photos have been published in print, in newspapers, photography magazines and online in Greece and abroad. He has given a number of talks presenting his photographic work in many cities of Greece. Andreas portfolio includes three solo exhibitions and a published photobook. The emergence of emotions and the mystery combined with simplicity and harmony set his primary goal in each of his photos. The way he works shows an effort for personal adjustment to the constant changing environment of our modern reality.